Is Your Resume Ready for 2014? |
As a legal professional seeking a job, you need to ensure that your resume reflects this fact. Besides the basics - such as clarity, being grammatically correct, and being to the point - your resume should also confirm that you are a professional by being in step with the time. Is your resume 2014 compatible? |
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4 Reasons Why Every Job Should Have a Customized Resume |
You keep hearing this advice on and on, “Always customize your resume to the job you are applying for” and wonder whether it is really something you need to pay too much attention. Why not have a super cool master CV/resume written for easy submission? Why waste time every time you are applying for a job to rewrite your CV/resume? Is this effort really worth the trouble? Experts say it is. |
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Write a Winning Resume When You Have Zero Work Experience |
Those who are looking to hire an attorney generally want one with experience because this is often what marks the difference between winning or losing a case. Recruiters also look for attorneys who have experience, but they also look for flare, attitude, aptitude, the right skills set and an ability to go for jugular when they hire young attorneys for their firm. |
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The Elements of a Good Resume |
JM winning resume is made of the elements that employers are most interested in seeing when reviewing a job applicant. These basic elements are the essential ingredients of a successful resume and become the actual sections of your resume. The following is a list of elements that may be used in a resume. Some are essential; some are optional. We will be discussing these in this chapter in order to give you a better understanding of each element's role in the makeup of your resume: |
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Writing Your Resume |
Yow that you have gathered together all of the information for each of the sections of your resume, it's time to write out each section in a way that will get the attention of whoever is reviewing it The type of language you use in your resume will affect its success. You want to take the information you have gathered and translate it into a language that will cause a potential employer to sit up and take notice. |
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Assembly and Layout |
At this point, you've gathered all the necessary information for your resume, and you've rewritten it using the language necessary to impress potential employers. Your next step is to assemble these elements in a logical order and then to lay them out on the page neatly and attractively in order to achieve the desired effect getting that interview. |
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The Cover Letter |
In case your resume has been assembled, laid out, and printed to your satisfaction, the next and final step before distribution is to write your cover letter. Though there may be instances where you deliver your resume in person, most often you will be sending it through the mail. Resumes sent through the mail always need an accompanying letter that briefly introduces you and your resume. The purpose of the cover letter is to get a potential employer to read your resume, just as the purpose of your resume is to get that same potential employer to call you for an interview. Like your resume, your cover letter should be clean, neat, and direct a cover letter usually includes the following information: |
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Sample Resumes |
There are many different styles of resumes in terms of graphic layout and presentation of information. These samples also represent people with varying amounts of education and experience. Use these samples to model your own resume after. Choose one resume, or borrow elements from several different resumes to help you construct your own. |
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Using the Power of the Web to Spice up Your Job Application |
Experts generally advise not to deviate from the traditional form of resumes, especially in case of attorneys, and that is good advice. However, the need to differentiate is also overwhelming in a tight job market, and we need to find ways to spice up presentations of our selves without seeming crass, or crossing the bounds of propriety. |
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The Marketing Mix in Your Attorney Resume |
Your resume is essentially an advertisement for you as a candidate, and for lack of options, it also needs to serve as a holistic marketing instrument. While outright false claims (common to commodity advertisements) are inappropriate for a resume, creative crafting of claims is not, provided they remain within limits of safety. Like any advertisement, the true purpose of a resume is to ''grab the attention'' of the viewer and ''urge him to make a purchase decision,'' i.e., compel him or her to buy into your claims and fire the recruiter's interest sufficiently to generate an interview call. |
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